Monday, April 8, 2013

Weigh-In Monday

Well, it was weigh in Monday again. I lost 2 pounds this week. I am very happy with that loss because I ate out a lot this week! Like 5 of the 7 days! I tried to be very good when I did eat out but still you don't have full control of how the food is prepared so it's tough to 100% get the points right. I am at a total of 54.4 pounds down so far! 

This week I am going to try not to eat out that much unless it is with friends for a social event. This week I did some "I am too lazy to cook, so let's go out to eat" thing. I don't want to do that this week. I really felt it today at the Zumba too! I felt sluggish, but I just kept with it and felt much better afterwards. 

Another thing that I want to try to really stop is when I get home all I want to do is pig out! That was a old and very dangerous habit of mine. That is when I would do, binge like behavior. I still struggle with that almost daily. I am trying to think of a new habit I could replace with the current one I am wanting to do. I use the most points when I get home from work. More then any other time of the day. Anyone have any ideas for me? Please share if you do! :)

This weather makes me feel sleepy and lazy. After work I had to run some errands and when I got home I sat down on the couch and did not want to get up! I actually took a little nap, it felt great! I had to force myself to get up and go to Zumba.

I made it on the Runs for Cookies blog again! I am so in love with this ladies blog! She is so real and honest. I like it even more because she started at almost the same exact weight as I did and now to see her at her goal weight it gives me an idea of how great it will be when I hit my goal! If you want to see me on her blog it is, .

Tonight for dinner my hubby made turkey tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and corn. I am so spoiled that I have a wonderful husband that will have dinner ready for me after I get home from my Weight Watchers meeting. The meal tasted extra good because I have had so much crap lately.

Hope everyone had a decent Monday! Send me ideas if you have any for my new afternoon habit.


  1. Yay! Happy for you still losing weight! :) I feel ya when it comes to wanting to eat as soon as you get home. I always want to eat! Keep up the awesome work. You are looking great.

  2. I found your blog through Katie's at runsforcookies! You have done great with 50 pounds, wow!! I started around the same as you and am 26 pounds down...doing WW and a ton of exercise. It's so hard, but so worth it!!


  3. Your success is very inspiring. I am doing WW and I find that tracking what I am going to eat *before* I get home really helps me be in control when I get there. For instance, we have pizza every Wednesday and if I didn't track it beforehand, I know I'd end up eating way over my points for the day. This way I know exactly how much I can have and stay on plan.

    Keep up the good work!
