Thursday, April 4, 2013

50 Pound Reward

One thing that I wanted to do throughout my weight loss journey is reward myself for hitting those big goals. Since I hit my first big goal of losing 50 pounds it's time to decide what I want that reward to be. I don't want to buy new clothes because they won't fit for very long, but I am not really sure what else to do. So, I need some ideas! Maybe you celebrated your goal somehow. What did you do? Or, maybe you don't need to lose weight but you have an idea. Or, you haven't hit your goal yet but you have an idea of what you want to do when you hit your goal. Share please! :)

I have been so exhausted lately! My husband has started something new. Full on SNORING at night!! Before, he use to just kind of breathe loud and it drove me crazy but, now he is snoring! Last night he slept on the couch so that we could both get some sleep. It made me sad that he wasn't in bed with me but we both slept much better. Tonight he is going to sleep in bed and we will see how that goes again. He has a bit of a cold so I don't know if its that or this is just a new habit he has picked up! I'll let you know. ;) I am a person that requires quite a bit of sleep. So, it's been a long week!

This afternoon Matt and I decided to go running instead of me going to Zumba because we wanted to spend some time together. It is so rare that we get to spend time together with his crazy schedule. We did 2 miles again. We ran it is 10:24 a mile, which I am very pleased with! My hubby is so sweet because he runs slow with me when he could be running much faster but, he is just so supportive. I love running with him much better then running by myself. My speed is better also. When I run by myself my mile is much slower. Having him there helps me push myself and its a lot more fun! It's funny though because when I run I DO NOT talk. I can barely breathe as it is, the last thing I want to do is talk. He's so cute because when we were running today he said, "Gosh it is so pretty here." I didn't respond. He said, "Ok, nevermind." LOL! I mumbled, "Remember I don't talk when I'm running." :)

Tomorrow night I am having a date with my mom that I'm excited about! The middle school that she works at is doing a fundraiser for their jazz band. We are going to an event called Jazz Night. There is 3 jazz bands playing and it is catered by a local, nice restaurant. Matt has to work so he won't be able to go, not like he would want to go anyway. HA!  It is always hard to go to an event like tomorrows, not knowing what food they will have, and making sure to not blow my points. I just have to be really aware of what I'm putting in my mouth.

Anyway, please let me know of some ideas for my reward for my 50 pound goal! :)


  1. Haven't gotten there yet, but some ideas:
    A nifty piece of equipment to keep you motivated to keep exercising
    Sign up for a class in something you've always wanted to do
    Take an interesting cooking class
    a spa day/weekend
    buy yourself a commemorative piece of jewelry

    Makes me want to get there too!

  2. You and your hubby spend a weekend in/at a place like sunriver or the coast. Anywhere new and away.
