Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Dinner

This morning Matt and I went to breakfast with his mom and uncle. Matt's uncle lives in Montana and came down to visit for a couple days. It was great to spend some time with him and catch up. The last time we saw him was a few years ago. The outfit I wore today was an exciting one for me. That kind of sounds weird, but it's true! The shirt I wore today was one that I bought a while ago and it was too small but I loved it so I bought it and knew I would eventually fit into it. Well, today was the day!

In my shirt that finally fits!

Today after breakfast we had to meet with the sellers of the house and get some things finished up. We will be officially done with the buying process in 1-2 months. Hopefully, just a month! We are so excited for our new house!

Tonight we are going to go out to Applebee's with my family for Easter dinner. Tomorrow my family will be out of town taking my sister back to school so we aren't able to do it tomorrow. Matt works tomorrow also. We are blessed though, that Easter is the only holiday he has to work this year. Which working in the medical field that can be rare. It was either Easter or 4th of July that he had to work and he chose Easter because we already had a 5 day camping trip planned for 4th of July. I will just go to church in the morning and then go from there, for my Easter plans. :)

I REALLY wanted to go for a run today, but it's already 4:30 and I haven't even got everything done that has to get done today. I am one of those people that love to have a routine and stick with it. This week however I have not been able to stick on that routine because with me being on Spring Break vacation everything's been crazy! That is the only reason I am looking forward to going back to work is so I can be back on routine.  I am going to try really hard to get a run in after dinner depending on how full I feel. ;) If not tonight, then for sure tomorrow! 


  1. Have a blessed Easter, friend! Love the shirt :)

  2. I love being able to fit into something that used to be too small! Such a good feeling :)
